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DRFL(DRDO) recruitment'2020 of Apprentices( BE/B.Tech & Diploma holders). Get details.


 DRFL,DRDO recruitment of Graduate Apprentice & Technician Apprentice.

 DRFL,DRDO (Defense Food Research laboratory) of DRDO(Defense Research & development Organization) is inviting application from interested & eligible candidates for the post of Apprentice9graduate & Technician).

 Walk in interview is on 13.11.2020.

Get details if you are interested.

1. Name of the post:- Graduate Apprentice.

a) Qualification & vacancies:-

i) BE/B.Tech in Mechanical Engineering (total vacancies--02).

ii) B.Tech in food processing/ in food science( total vacancy--01).

b) Stipend:- Rs 9,000 p.m.

2. Name of the Post:- Technician (diploma) Apprentice.

a) Qualification & vacancies:-

i) Diploma in Electrical Engg----(01)

ii) Diploma in Mechanical Engg---(01).

iii) Diploma in Hotel Mgt & Catering--(01)

iv)  Diploma in Refrigeration:---(01)

v)Diploma in Plastic Technology/Plastic Mold Technology---(01)

vi) Diploma in Food & nutrition--(01)

vii) Diploma in Instrumentation:---(01).

viii) Diploma in Baking Technology---(01).

ix) Diploma in Food Processing-----(01).

Process of Selection:-

On the basis of interview through walk in  mode.

Candidates are required to go through the & fill up the format & send it ta the email id on or before 14.10.2020.

Candidates have to appear the walk in interview that will be held on 13.11.2020 at the venue mentioned below.


Siddhartha Nagar


Application Fee:- Not mentioned

Essential Link:-


Important points:-

1. Last date is 14.10.2020. Interview is on 13th Nov'2020

2. Candidates have to report in between--(9--9.30) a.m on 13.11.2020 at the venue.

3.Candidates must register their name at

4. Duration of Training is of One year.

Candidates are required to go through the notification/website & read carefully before apply.

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