ISI(Indian Statistical Institute) ,Kolkata recruitment of Project Linked person.
ISI(Indian Statistical Institute) ,Kolkata is inviting application for the post of Project Linked person of Two numbers.
Last date is 22.10.2020
Get more information from below.
1. Name of the post:-
a) No of vacancy:- 01
b) Age:- 35 Years(max)
c) Qualification:- P.G degree in Physiology/Environmental Science/Bio physics from a recognized university/Institute.
d) Remuneration:- Rs(25,000--30,000) p.m
e) Date of publication:- 05.10.2020
2. Name of the post:-
a) No of vacancy:- 01
b) Age:- 35 Years(max)
c) Qualification:- M.Sc in Agronomy/Agricultural chemistry/Soil Science from a recognized university.
d) Remuneration:- Rs(25,000--30,000) p.m
e) Date of Publication:-05.10.2020.
Process of Selection:-
Deserving candidates will be called for further step in the recruitment process after screening.
Application Fee:-
Not required to apply for this post of
Essential Link:-
Candidates have to apply online. For this, they are required to go through the notification, read it properly, then go to the link(as per instruction),fill up the format, upload documents & send it to the email id as given below.
1. For project-1:-
2. For project-2-
Important points:-
1.Last date is 22.10.2020
2. Post is of temporary in nature & initially for 31st march'2021,extendable-based on situation.
3. Online interview will be on 03.11.2020.
4. Candidates should go through the notification or for details.
Also read:-
1. ISI recruitment of Project linked person(01).
2. AIISH recruitment of Rehabilitation worker(02 nos).
3. (ICMR-RMRC)recruitment of data entry operator.
4. Center for Stem-cell research recruitment of JRF.
5. ICRISAT recruitment of Technical officer(Jharkhand).
Get in touch with your jobs quickly)/CAREER
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