Cotton Corporation of India Ltd recruitment of Skilled/Semi skilled staff.
Cotton Corporation of India Ltd is inviting eligible candidates to appear walk in interview for the post of Skilled/Semi skilled staff in different location(Go down/centers) of Andhra Pradesh.
Interested candidates may find details regarding eligibility & other related matters from below.
Walk in interview is on--10.10.2020 (10.30 a.m to 5 p.m)
Get details.
Cotton Corporation India Pvt Ltd recruitment'2020 of Skilled/Semi skilled Staff.
1. Name of the post:- Semi Skilled & Unskilled staff
a) No of vacancy:- 01
b) Age:- Not mentioned
c) Qualification:- Not mentioned
d) Remuneration:- Daily wage basis.
Process of Selection:-
Cotton Corporation of India Ltd will be selecting its candidates for the post through walk in interview mode. Candidates are required to be at the venue as per schedule.
Application Fee:- Not required to apply for the post.
Essential Link:-
Interested candidates have to appear in the walk in interview at the venue(given below) as per schedule. They have to carry their self attested copies, passport size photo, educational certificates with them while attending the interview.
The Cotton Corporation India Ltd
Kapas Bhawan
4/2 Ashok nagar
Po,BOX NO--227,Guntur--522002
Andhra Pradesh.
Important Points:-
1. Walk in interview is on 10.10.2020.
2. Candidates have submit police verification in case if selected.
3. They are required to carry copies their educational certificates, passport size photograph etc while attending interview.
After few months of pandemic, we are returning to our normal life gradually & it is reflected through the recruitment of various organization as per their requirement & it is increasing day by day. Please keep yourself updated with news paper/job site or other sources to grab opportunity.
We never know what opportunity will be there in our forthcoming days.
Get in touch with your jobs quickly)/CAREER.
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