CGL(Combined Graduate Level) Tier-III examination will be held on 22.11.2020(as decided by the SSC). Staff Selection commission was established in 1975. Every year it conducts CGL examination
through tier system. There are four tiers in CGL exam. candidates can appear in Tier -III when they are qualified in Tier-I examination.
Candidates in between (18--30) years can appear in this exam.
Analyzing of the scheme of the examination:-
1. Tier-I:- Computer based examination.
Subjects in Tier-I:- A) General intelligence & reasoning.
Number of questions:- 25
Maximum marks:-50
B) general Awareness:-
Number of Questions:- 25
Maximum Marks:- 50
C) Quantitative Aptitude:-
Number of Questions:- 25
Maximum Marks:- 50
D) English Comprehension:-
Number of Questions:- 25
Maximum Marks:- 50
Time:- Total 60 minutes but for
disabled(OH/VH) it is 80 minutes.
2. Tier-II :- Computer based examination.
A) Paper-I:- Quantitative analysis.
No of Questions:- 100
Maximum marks:-200
B) Paper-II, English Language & comprehension.
No of Questions:- 200
Maximum marks:-200.
C) Statistics
No of Questions:- 100
Maximum marks:- 200.
D) General Studies(Finance & Economics)
No of Questions:- 100
Maximum marks:- 200.
Total Time:- 120 minutes but 180 minutes for VH/OH.
3. Tier-III, Pen & Paper mode.
Descriptive paper in English/Hindi(writing of essay/precis/letter/Application.)
Total marks:-100 but 80 minutes for VH/OH.
4. Tier-IV, Computer proficiency test/skill test(whenever is applicable)/document verification.
This CGL examination is conducted to recruit in different categories of post in Ministries/Departments/Organizations & in Group-B & Group-C.
For e.g Group B posts:-
ii)Inspector (Central Excise)
iii) Statistical Investigator Gr.II
iv) Sub Inspector (CBI)
There are other posts also in group B like-Inspector(preventive officer),Assistant enforcement officer etc.
And E.g of group C posts are:-
i) Inspector of income tax
ii) Auditors.
iii) Tax Assistants
iv) Junior Accountant/Divisional accountant etc
Download Notification of CGL Examination-Tier-iii'2019,model question paper, Syllabus
2.Model Question paper
Important points:-
1. There is negative markings.
2. Practice mock test as many as you can.
3. Emphasize topics for tier III (to study) like:- social issues, Govt schemes,Environment,Science & technology,Finance & Economics, New strategy & policy taken/change by the Govt etc.
4. E.g. of Descriptive question asked in the (2018-2019) Tier-III exam-
Essay:- Importance of Education in present times.
Essay(2017-2018)-How far demonetization has achieved its objectives?
5. You can answer either in English or in Hindi.
6. Essay writings may probably carry 50 marks.
7. Go through newspaper/News channel to increase level of your critical thinking & analyzing ability.
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